Equipping caregivers with critical necessities


Through generous donations from our community, we are able to make all of the basic necessities available free of charge to those caring for children entering or exiting the foster care system. Licensed foster parents and kinship caregivers reach us directly through our Request Form and we are able to make sure that children entering their home under emergency circumstances have everything they need to feel safe and cared for within those first, often stressful, 24 hours. Our organization is unique in that caregivers can reach out to us directly for help, rather than needing to go through assigned caseworkers who are already spread thin. Often times these children are entering new homes with just the clothes on their backs, so we are able to provide them with new beds, car seats, clothing, school supplies, and other basic needs that are provided through the generosity of the community.


Equipping reunifying families with support


Our resources are also available to children when reunifying with biological parents who have worked to restore their families. Our hope is that by making these required items readily available, children in our community will have a better chance at stability and appropriate care with their parents.

We also believe that foster parents are in the greatest position to equip and encourage parents toward a successful reunification. When it is a safe option, we give foster parents the tools and support they need to work as a team with biological parents for the best interest of the children. We have witnessed foster parents and biological parents became one big extended family, breaking generational cycles of dysfunction together.